The Mask Will Eventually Fall

People. What different perceptions do everyone have about this one syllable? They have such a strong hold on what you do, how you feel, how you think? They can shake you and break you or they can influence you and help you. They are such a unique species. When God made us, he had no idea that we would turn out so evolved and would be such great thinking minds.If you think about it, we can do anything, we are at the top of the food chain, we have invented such great things,we have accomplished so many things in a span of just a few years. Then how did we turn into such manipulative, double-faced and negative beings?

This complex and thought-provoking question has a very simple answer. We got lost. That’s it. These three words answer why everything got so complicated. We forgot who we are, we conformed, we gave in, we became fake. We learnt how to use people for our benefits, we learnt how to think of our advantages first, we realized that sharing was a sin, kindness became a vestigial organ of our body, that was thought to be embodied only in our ancestors. We learnt curse words, we learnt the easy-way of living. Hard work became a foreign word that belonged to a language that is no longer in use, in a country that got submerged under a sea of comfort and luxury.

We all wear masks. Everyone, everyday. We wear it for so long that we forget who we are.The biggest sin of all is that it became our favorite accessory to wear. Cavemen began using leaves as clothes to keep them warm, eventually learning the best way to use nature as their materials and their hands as their factory to produce items of their use. Nowadays, with actual factories, the material remaining the same, effort has somehow reduced as people have realized you look best when you have worn less( I refer to the thought process of girls) And as these items have reduced, masks have started to adorn otherwise beautiful faces.

We have multiple personalities for numerous occasions and a variety of events. We may be a clown for someone, and a the shy girl to someone else. We may be the ideal daughter to one, and a spoiled brat to another.The adjectives are endless.

Why is it that we want to hide so much from the world? Why doesn’t anyone attempt to look behind the facade. Why don’t we want to dig deeper? While doing a research project, Β those who write-in all their information from Wikipedia , because its the first link that pops up, gets a poor grade. But those who go beyond the first page and look for other links have a hike in their knowledge and gather more than the former would have. These are the A-grade people.

Acceptance seems to have reduced nowadays. One has come to realize that being true to yourself will not get you an approval into the popular crowd. Telling lies, and adapting yourself to the world instead of the other way round is what even Charles Darwin said right? We are just following a great legend. What’s wrong in that?

IT IS WRONG! He has rightly said that ‘ It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ We have changed ourselves to survive not to live. We are not animals. We don’t have to survive. We have built ourselves this lifestyle so that we could grow and embark on different opportunities that are yet to be discovered. If we stick to the way that we used to think, “by staying in the crowd”, “by walking the road more traveled” , how are you going to be unique? You cannot want to be a part of the crowd and stand out in it at the same time.

Time has come where we drop the mask. Its the best time to do so.Eventually everyone else’s will fall of. And they are unlucky enough that it will happen when the world catches them red-handed. You have the choice to do it now. To show the world falseness is something you will not tolerate or cultivate. The mask is temporary, you are permanent. Live each day with the satisfaction that you have contributed something worthwhile to the world. Don’t play any part on this stage.

Fake people have an image to maintain, real people just don’t care. Stay real. Don’t waste energy doing something that gives you momentary happiness or none at all. Even make-up lovers have to take their make-up off at some point or it just creates a mess. Take it off and start living the life you dreamed of. Don’t let hurdles hog you down. Be natural. This is how you give birth to extraordinary…



10 thoughts on “The Mask Will Eventually Fall

  1. We all wear masks!! sadly, it’s true, until we reach the point where we forget the real face of us!!
    I found your little space in the community pool, so glad I did!! amazing write up!!!keep writing and inspire us…. surely will be waiting for more!!
    Please do visit my blog for exciting recipes, I started my blog today, and would love some feedback, thanks in advance and see you there! πŸ™‚

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  2. Everyone wears metaphorical masks during their lives. We all have different faces we show to work colleagues, or friends, or family. Sometimes we wear so many masks, we forget who we are underneath it all (like you said), but you have to find the courage to drop all the bullshit and revel your true self.

    It comes down to this: If you want to be seen, heard and understood in the most genuine way possible, be open to the possibility of vulnerability. Allow yourself to be open. I know it’s a scary place, a place very few people dare to venture, but just try it. Try moving the masks away and really looking at a person the next time they engaged in conversation with you.

    Seeing a 16 year old write this post makes me super happy. I see your creative potential is immense πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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